“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Monday, November 14, 2011


11/14/11 OUTSIDE BANKRUPTCY COURT, CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL BIG DECISION..I'm taking a break at 11am,..no decision has yet been made ..iwas there for two hours this morning..hheard. from the attorney for Schuller & Milners, also a brief comment from the attorney for RA schuller, most of the talk has been analyzing the costs..there's a big chart up front, the courtoom is full..this may last all day & a decision (or "confirmation") isnot guaranteed today but I sense the judge would like to make a decision & one of the representatives noted that the "debtor" (cc) can't afford the administrative costs ...(think of the billed hours by the attorneys for all of this) ....I'm thinking the Catholic diocese may be the best bet as far as retaining the cathedral as a house of worship, because it does not sound like the CC will be able to make enough to "buy back" the cathedral anyways unless things pick up, so why not a Catholic church? it could work, if it is according to God's will, may it be !