“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Thursday, April 21, 2011


...so I'm sitting here @ B Library working on a project and the table I'm at happens to be right behind a public computer and a guy looking at pic after pic of naked or near-naked women and also various sexual images.....its clear as day from where I'm sitting...now I'm a heterosexual man myself and like woman, but I'm also a Christian and don't like to see women exploited for their bodies only, and am also concerned about the effect that non-stop porno viewing has on people such as this fellow...and what about kids in the library ? this is a serious issue.. not to say the body is bad,,,in fact the body is GOOD, God made Adam & Eve and said it was "good"...The problem isn't the body, nor the naked body, nor is the problem sexuality or sex in general (and since he's not looking at homosexual images I don't need to discuss that here)...the problem is just the "raw" gazing upon anonymous images, one after another, looking them up & down and all around without any shame..and also if it takes young men away from reality..from the healthy desire for the REAL THING Rather than pics of it.Of course in liberal society today if women, as well, are afraid of the REAL THING its a "vicious spiral"...and when I speak of the real thing I mean in a committed relationship...thatls what is pleasing to God..."go and cleave" to another ( I.e. a person of the opposite sex) ("a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh, and the man and his wife were both naked and they were not ashamed" Gen 2.24-25) and what about Matt 5.27 and "adultery in the heart" ? Of course, I don't like libraries that have internet so obsessively triggered to block any & all websites that MIGHT contain "adult images" (but might not; at one library they block youtube and also a site named scribd which is mostly written documents, not a video site, and definitely not aimed towards adult content) ..so the body is good & sex is good, but lusting and adulterey in the heart is bad..but what about when yu r still single and searching ? is it ok then ? I'm still not so sure its healthy. I don't even think a quality relationship should begin based solely on physical qualities. Maybe that's why we have a divorce problem in the USA . ..anyways, I also posted a video of me at a library facetiously being "tempted" by adult material on the website ("I confess..." ..with the point being to raise this matter as an issue of concern and to talk about it, online, aand to give my theological viewpoint(s) as I also continue to grow and learn...and still, occassionally, yearn for a committed relationship with the right person of the opposite sex. God bless you all. Pray for those who are addicted to porn or other material(s) (drugs, etc)...that keeps them constanly "pumped up" but not in touch with reality ...and not participating as citizens in trying to make this world a better place for everybody..ultimately, the incessant viewing or pornography (and especially those who "get off" on it, I.e. masturbate) is simply a problem of being SELFISH...and it causes other social problems..if you are trapped in a cycle of addiction, there are ways to BREAK FREE...and of course I always talk about Jesus Christ as the Way, and ultimately the only way, but if that's not your cup of tea (coming to Christ involves commitment and work) there are other forms of treatment for addiction..search the web, you'll find it..be brave enough to ask for help...let us all keep growing either in faith or in citizenship or both and keep making this world a better place for all...both men & women..set aside your selfish habits that you may say is your "legal right" but nonetheless is harmful in some ways to the betterment of society..I invite you to take a new step toda..for Christians...as we approach Easter three days from now..we are at the end Of Lent and I hope u gave up something for a while..and if it was a selfish addiction don't go back to it...leave it behind forever..have courage, God will not let you down...!