I know McCourt has taken out a lot of loans ...$400+ million ? And there are definite problems and issues at Dodger Stadium but I compare it to the LAUSD and the new superintendents who come & go ...The superintendent is just a figure head, too often not having ever been an educator in the classroom, nor having any specific previous experience in education. They may have had some success in politics or a large corporate setting but without knowing what's happening "inside" the system, what's REALLY HAPPENING, and not just when they come for a high-profile calendar visit when everybody puts on their "happy face", there's not mmuch they can do to change the entrenched evil in the system. I don't know much about McCourt but I can see he's a "white guy"..and the Latinos in the dodger system probably do their two-faced routine with him as they do with so many others. They probably "put on the shine" for him, while for other "whites" we are "trash." they base their behavior on the "title" of the person next to them, not on a code of respect & hospitality for all people ...that's a big problem at dodger stadium and also at LAUSD, both of which have huge Latino populations..I've mentioned before coming to dodger stadium, dressed nicely, no tattoos, no bags, but getting frisked twice by Latino guards ...just in an attempt to subtly harrass and say, "You're a nobody"..Its this mentality that ruins big systems with a lot of potential for greatness (or evil) ..I see LAUSD & DODGER stadium as almost twin brothers with similar issues and problems and the superintendent/owner not being able to figure it out, or if he does, do much about it. the Latino (mafia of sorts) has a stranglehold on all that enters in, from top to bottom.I don't anticipate many new prospective owners will be up for the task of changing this unless the can totally "CLEAN HOUSE" (but then there's simply not enough new people to hire who are not already part of the corruption...its simly an extension of the "hood .. (pic from daily news, april 21, 2011)