8/19/11 Mulej, tisma 'TALB MY GĦAL MALTA: (LORD, HEAR MY PRAYER 4 MALTA):Hello Malta! Alla huwa miegħek. I am a Olandiż, imwieled fl-Istati Uniti. U I am a Christian, raġel ta 'fidi. Nitlob għalik u l-mexxejja tiegħek. U jien nistedinkom kollha li inti taċċetta Ġesù Kristu bħala Salvatur tiegħek. Ġesù qal, "Jiena l-mod, il-verità, u l-ħajja. Ħadd ma jasal għall-Missier imma permezz Me" (Ġwanni 14.6). Tista God bless you u inti żżomm għal dejjem.
Hello Malta, God is with you. I am a Dutchman, born in United States . And I am a Christian, a man of faith. I pray for you and your leaders. And I invite all of you to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody comes to the Father but through Me"(John 14.6). May God bless you and keep you forever.