“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(despicable) 2/1/12 UNBELEIVABLE: NYT TOTALLY IGNORES MARCH 4 LIFE, WASH DC: "NYT Totally Ignores Pro-Life March of 300,000 Contact: Sarah Schaerr Norton, 202-364-4401 ext. 107 sarah.schaerr@aim.org. WASHINGTON, January 26 / Christian Newswire/ -- BoycottNYT.com editor Don Feder said today The New York Times' total lack of coverage of last Thursday's March for Life demonstrates how the paper's ideology determines its reporting."More than 300,000 people assembled in Washington, D.C. [January 22] for the 36th Annual March for Life. But as far as The New York Times is concerned, it never happened," Feder observed. Feder was the keynote speaker at the event's Rose Dinner. He continued, "If 50,000 feminists had gathered on the Mall in D.C., to demand passage of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, it would have been above-the-page-one-fold coverage in The Times, accompanied by an aeria photo of the crowd." Notwithstanding that the March for Life is the largest annual event of its kind in D.C., Feder noted, The Times didn't even run a few sentences on it in the National Briefing box, which summarizes U.S. news Feder questioned the paper's decis ... http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/752059275.html

2/1/12 UNBELEIVABLE: NYT (NEW YORK TIMES) TOTALLY IGNORES MARCH 4 LIFE, WASH DC: "NYT Totally Ignores Pro-Life March of 300,000 Contact: Sarah Schaerr Norton, 202-364-4401 ext. 107 sarah.schaerr@aim.org. WASHINGTON, January 26 / Christian Newswire/ -- BoycottNYT.com editor Don Feder said today The New York Times' total lack of coverage of last Thursday's March for Life demonstrates how the paper's ideology determines its reporting."More than 300,000 people assembled in Washington, D.C. [January 22] for the 36th Annual March for Life. But as far as The New York Times is concerned, it never happened," Feder observed. Feder was the keynote speaker at the event's Rose Dinner. He continued, "If 50,000 feminists had gathered on the Mall in D.C., to demand passage of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, it would have been above-the-page-one-fold coverage in The Times, accompanied by an aeria photo of the crowd." Notwithstanding that the March for Life is the largest annual event of its kind in D.C., Feder noted, The Times didn't even run a few sentences on it in the National Briefing box, which summarizes U.S. news Feder questioned the paper's decis ...


, also see www.unborn-life-is-sacred.posterous.com , also see the "180 movie"