MATT DAMON WON'T DO ANOTHER "BOURNE" w/o GREENGRASS : " Fast-forward to October 2010, when news broke that Gilroy would write and direct the next movie. No one from Universal had write and direct the next movie. No one from Universal had informed Damon that Greengrass was being replaced by his old adversary. The studio has not discussed it with him since. "It certainly wasn't an omission for any reason," says Langley. "You just have to move on with your business." For now, she adds, "the franchise can live on [with Renner]. If at some point it can include Matt Damon, fantastic. If it can't, we're reconciled to that." Matt Damon, fantastic. If it can't, we're reconciled to that." Damon says he fully expects to return to[ Bourne Legacy] ..."
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”