12/19/11 BURIED ALIVE, SHE DUG HERSELF OUT: FIANCE CONVICTED OF ATTEMPED MURDER: "- A man who buried his fiancee alive in a cardboard box because he was "bored" with her was found guilty of attempted murder Monday, British media reported Marcin Kasprzak's intended victim, Michelina Lewandowska, 27, was bound and gagged. She escaped by using the engagement ring he gave her to cut herself free and then dug herself out, by using the engagement ring he gave her to cut herself free and then dug herself out, free and then dug herself out, The Guardian reported. The newspaper said Kasprzak had attacked her with a Taser and then buried her ..."
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”