“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/120/11 Ai Se Eu Te Pego, boobearwakeup, jimmyprotestsgrowingup, itshardwhen, Mehmet Ali Erbil, saab, investidura, Christmas,TheCarrotKingWillBeForeverYoung, itshardwhen,HagaAlgoSeñoraVillaran, IMF, Home Alone,sr11 ,twitteroff,itshardwhen 禁2,buongiorno ,universitychallenge Boo Bear Gita ,schnee Noel ,ElMejorRegalo,CosasBuenasDel2011 ,twitteroff Tanza,itshardwhen

Ai Se Eu Te Pego, boobearwakeup, jimmyprotestsgrowingup, itshardwhen, Mehmet Ali Erbil, saab, investidura, Christmas,TheCarrotKingWillBeForeverYoung, itshardwhen,HagaAlgoSeñoraVillaran, IMF, Home Alone,sr11 ,twitteroff,itshardwhen 禁2,buongiorno ,universitychallenge Boo Bear Gita ,schnee Noel ,ElMejorRegalo,CosasBuenasDel2011 ,twitteroff Tanza,itshardwhen
"Hot Topics Around the World The top trending topic in the following countries: ( Toggle Definitions) Ai Se Eu Te Pego #boobearwakeup#jimmyprotestsgrowingup #itshardwhen Mehmet Ali Erbil #saab #investidura Christmas#TheCarrotKingWillBeForeverYoung #itshardwhen#HagaAlgoSeñoraVillaran IMF Home Alone#sr11 #twitteroff #itshardwhen 禁2#buongiorno #universitychallenge Boo Bear Gita #schnee Noel #ElMejorRegalo#CosasBuenasDel2011 #twitteroff Tanza#itshardwhen #

Ai Se Eu Te Pego, boobearwakeup, jimmyprotestsgrowingup, itshardwhen, Mehmet Ali Erbil, saab, investidura, Christmas,TheCarrotKingWillBeForeverYoung, itshardwhen,HagaAlgoSeñoraVillaran, IMF, Home Alone,sr11 ,twitteroff,itshardwhen 禁2,buongiorno ,universitychallenge Boo Bear Gita ,schnee Noel ,ElMejorRegalo,CosasBuenasDel2011 ,twitteroff Tanza,itshardwhen