perry made a good showing here at the nbc tonight show in burbank...his wife & daighter sat in the audience not far away from me..perry laughed & joked a bit but also made some serious comments about what he would do if he was president..even criticizing obama' for "telegraphing" to the enemy his intentions with the troops in iran ..which got some applause..including some from me ..perry wore black cowboy boots, this his firsttime on the tonight show ? leno didn't go after him as much as he did michelle bachmann on the same-sex marriage issue...perry got a cool reception from the audience, expectedly, given this is democratic los angeles,..I myself am one of the few conservatives in thhis town..but then I'm a modrate in many ways,..and apprciate perry's style in soke rgards..he even made a joke about the "brain freeze" as they're calling it now..with respect for leno at least he puts both democrat and republicans on his show..but even in his questioning of perry re obama..he wanted to put perry on the spot withquick yes or no soundbites that would depopularize perry..but perry wasn't biting..he took time to give a full answer..and showed he's no dummy ..he even made reference to a person by name in leno's band..curtis? in answering one of the questions re taxes..he wants to eliminate social security reiterating what he said previouslyreit being a ponzi scheme..saying curtis, melissa, & his daighter wouldn't get of the social security by the timethey were senior citizens ..he also wants to cut congress jobs to a half-time position as it is with texas political positions around the state ...all in all a fairly strong appearance by perry ..