“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Monday, November 28, 2011


...but..he doesn't address the problem of the false church ...hence, you have good people who get tired of going to church b/c their church is dead ...in which case going to church makes them worse persons, not better, ..going to church is NOT a fruit of the spirit ..ideally, the church builds up & edifies the believer so that they continue to grow, but we all know there are congregations that don't have the true spirit..yet church pastors who are indebted to the formal church structure..will preach "church going" as if its one of the fruits itself...philip made reference to a hypotheticalsituation in which a saved person decides to sstay home on Sunday instread of going to church...and says this person may be simmply a "spiritual deadbeat" ....in some. cases maybe, butin other cases good people may be led away from a dead congregation...some of whom may "religiously" attennd church, but donnt have the spirit or the fruits ..