“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Monday, November 14, 2011


[no final decision by Judge Kwan re who will be the buyer of the cathedral (catholic diocese versus chapman univ)...but he apparently turned down some of founder Schuller's copyright claims against the church, which seems strange to me..b/c I think of schuller as the crystal cathedral..& find it paradoxical that he has set himself up as merely a contracted entity of the church for legal purposes, ..on the one hand, yes, he has his family to think about, on the other hand, doesn't he consider the congregation at all at least a little bit to be his extended family ? Is there no affection at all? That concerns me, if true. Doesn't the benevolence flow both ways? CAROL SCHULLER MILNER UPSET RE JUDGE's DECISION
"... Grumer (Schuller's attorney) had suggested the court set the reserve fund at $6.5 million. But Kwan found that no money was needed to cover intellectual property claims, citing a lack of sufficient evidence, and that only $500,000 was needed to cover a gap in the annual payments owed to the Schullers under an earlier agreement, noting the church recently voted to pay them $290,000 a year for life. Upset by the decision, Carol Milner, the Schullers’ daughter, said her parents have dedicated their lives to building the ministry and have refrained from filing an intellectual property lawsuit to help the church get back on its feet Milner said her father has continued to help with fundraising and his image is still used everywhere, but she doubted that would continue much longer under the strained relationship with the church.“We’re really treading on thin ice here. This is going to be a slap in the face,” she told reporters after the hearing..."