[growing up in grand rapids we were friends of the mouw family, but never actually invited to their house, albeit they came to ours...nonetheless, without asking my parents, I'm willing to bet that Mouw never had a dog or cat...in fact they only had one child, a son, one year older than me...I Never got the feeling Mouw would want a dog or any pet...too messy for him...& I don't recall him ever asking how's our dog doing ? but then he would never speak directly to me anyways. I got the feeling kids aren't worthy of his attention, or he simply wasn't interested in much of anything other than philosophical reflection with his pipe...but here he defends care for plants & animals..& he DOES have a pet...not one that can be "willful" like a dog or cat..but simply a few goldfish...they can't talk back or get uppity .. RICH MOUW DEFENDS CARE 4 ANIMALS & ENVIRONMENT "... I’m not personally preparing any sermons to the animals that populate my neighborhood. But the next time I am near a finch or a chipmunk, or when I look into the little pond where our goldfish swim around, I might just tell them to get ready for a better day. And in the meantime, however we understand “apocalyptic,” we human types ought not to be treating the non-human creation in a manner that will leave us embarrassed in the presence of our fellow choir members when all creatures great & small..."
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”