“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/15/11 DID JEWISH LEADERS CHANGE the HEBREW of the SHEMA (Deut 6.4) in their ARTICLES of the JEWISH FAITH

DID JEWISH LEADERS ALTER THE HEBREW for the SHEMA in their ARTICLES OF FAITH STATEMENT ? I recently heard Jay Smith speak on the topic of "Engaging Islam" & he noted that one defense of the trinity to Muslims is that Elohim is plural & he specifically noted Deut 6.4 (also known as the "Shema") and added that the plural use of God is also tripping point for Jews. So I went online & googled afew pages and came to this particular website that speaks at length about Elohim & they say that Jewish leaders have actually made a slight, but significant, switch in Hebrew words in the articles (principles) of Jewish faith to try to conceal (?) the plurality. They explain it better than I do. Read for yourself. If this is true, it's a serious discrepancy for any integral Jews seeking the scriptures for themselves. For Christians, its a comfort in having the OT reinforce the tri-unity of God. "IS JEHOVAH A UNITY." We may well appeal to the millions of Jews who still believe in the authentic inspiration of Tenach (our Old Testament) to take careful note of ECHAD and the plural ELOHENU (our Gods) in Deuteronomy 6:4.  In the THIRTEEN PRINCIPLES OF JEWISH FAITH, which is meant to be the standard guide for al Deuteronomy 6 to that other word, YACHID?  They were Hebrew specialists. They well knew the difference between ECHAD (a plural unity) and the other word, which denotes a single unity.  As already mentioned, ECHAD is from the root ACHAD which means to collect together; and to this day ACHAD retains that meaning; for a Hebrew dictionary recently published (1949) in the new then was ECHAD changed to YACHID in the THIRTEEN PRINCIPLES OF JEWISH FAITH?  Undoubtedly that switch has much influenced general Jewish thinking as to the being of Jehovah..."