“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


...and let me be clear that cricitism of "gay marriage" is not "hate talk" nor "gay bashing". The criticism I give isn't from me, but from God. That's why I quoted the Bible, & its out of LOVE that we sometimes must be critical & discipline (disciple). It is the parent who does NOT DISCIPLINE at all who is LESS LOVING. if you had a teen daughter who believes she has found the man, at age 16, about whom she is absolutely "certain" she wants to spend the rest of her life with & therefore is ready to have a baby with him, & you did NOT do everything in your power to dissuade her, would that be "loving"? Every parent knows that the 16-yo-kid crush will eventually wear off, but if you're that 16 year old, YOU DON'T KNOW IT & aren't ready to believe what anybody else says, including your parents, but as a parent you keep trying ...likewise we know that some "gays" are just going thru a psychological phase which, if they can just hang in there as-is for a little longer they will break thru..so the loving person encourages them NOT to give into gay marriage or partnership. It won't be lasting nor enjoyable..in the long run. The less-loving person says "What do I care, let them do whatever they want, let them kill eachother for all I care...let 'em give eachother aids..." etc. you get the picture ? I had to remove & block some messages & messengers because they were SO ENRAGED ...its quite alarming..I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, by the way, YouTubemay have stopped the vid from showing up in a normal "tag search" maybe to slow down the hate comments from others..