INEXPLICABLE RAY of LIGHT SHINES ON LATE VET's DOG DURING 20/20 FILMING " almost, er, heavenly, light that fell on a dead veteran's dog during 20/20 filming has given a photographer paws for reflection, she reveals in an unusual note on ABC The beam of light that briefly bathed Hero the mutt during a "simple" shoot at the New Hampshire home of fallen soldier Justin Rollins "made me wonder about life after death," writes Kimberly Launier. She was filming Rollins' parents playing with their son's dog, who was rescued from the Iraq war zone. Sometimes mom Rhonda Rollins would pet Hero's face and ask, "Justin, a
...(Kimberly Launier/ABC News) As this dramatic ray of light was shining on Hero she turned to look at me, and it was all I could do to hold the camera steady and not drop it in astonishment. It was an unforgettable moment, and made me wonder if in fact Justin was in there. Then the light vanished. I couldn’t wait to check my camera’s playback to see if it caught the stunning beam. When I saw that it did, I was so happy that I burst out dancing. It was a great moment to share with Justin’s parents. We all laughed together, and wondered if ..."
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”