...speaking at an "apologetics conference" at calvary chapel, costa mesa ...I came in a few minutes late, so I didn't see the intro, but the topic was "Is God a Moral Monster" which according to the schedule was supposed to be taught by Paul Copan, Or was this Geisler talking about the "Attributes of God" & he just happened to also use the phrase "Is God a Moral Monster?" in hiis speech..I caught a little bit of Geisler last night..which seemed to be his speech re the attributes of God (ie impassable, immutable, etc) ..maybe Copan couldn't make it so Geisler took his place ? anyways I have some notes which I will add here later, one of the best quotes from the speech was that God respects our free will and while we say "Thy Will be Done" to God, he also says to us, at the end, "Thy will be done" meaning it is OUR CHOICE whether we go to heaven or hell, and that "GOD WILL NOT FORCE US TO LOVE HIM. HE IS NOT A DIVINE RAPIST" (excellent point) ..he also mentioned "Mary had a little lamb" being a poem about Mother Mary & baby Jesus..call me dumb but I NEVER REALIZED this was a spiritual poem...we said it ingrade school (public school) but never in our Christian grade school (I attended both)....anyways the gist of the message was answering charges by critics that Jesus was cruel or God unkind as suggested by a few remote passages where God killed people or Jesus denounced evil, etc...geisler addresses each charge point-by-point, one-by-one, and says Christianity is NOT in any way comparable to Muslim Jihad