10/29/11 (part 1 of 2) COPAN re HOMOSEXUALITY at APOLOGETICS CONFERENCE, CALVARY CHAPEL, COSTA MESA (sponsored by Veritas Evangelical Seminary) (partial audio, partial notes, partial verbatim)
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PAUL COPAN (first, b/c I came in late - didn't hear the intro. The schedule says Paul Copan was to speak on this topic but I've noticed that not all topics have been spoken by the scheduled speaker (or the schedule itself was wrong),..so this may be somebody else, but I will go by the name on the schedule. The title of the topic is "A BIBLICAL, MEDICAL, & MORAL LOOK at HOMOSEXUALITY"; BEGIN: "[when I entered he was talking about shem , ham japeth,...."they are always mentioned in that sequence, ham sees dad naked, noah cursed youngest son..actually cursed canaan ? The word for "know" often used to mean "sexual relations" ..."to know" the visitor..LOT knew they wanted homosexual relations. Jude 7 cites Sodom, ..abomination repulsion, ..says there is no salvation for those who practice a homosexual lifestyle, albeit there is forgiveness for those who had an incident here or there of such, or stop altogether such a lifestyle ..homosexuals try to argue that sodom & gomorrah was destroyed b/c the men were not hospitable or b/c they didn't care for the poor & needy, or that God was condemning "homosexual rape" not just being homosexual..Copan doesn't buy it...the scripture is too clear..1 tim 1.8-11..the re-statemment of 10 commandments by paul..copan says adultery covers all sexual immorality.. he mentions natural law..that the parts don't fit...and that law doesn't determinemorality but morality determines law..and his BEST LINE was "WHEN LAW CEASES TO FOLLOW MORALITY, WE NO LONGER HAVE TO FOLLOW IT". ...he goes on to refute other arguments such as "mutual consent"..noting that if two adults mutually consent to rob a bank its still illegal...he refutes right to privacy.."can't kill in private",..quotes Lincoln re slavery "NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO DO WRONG"...Less than 1% of population practice homosexuality but we get an impression that it is much more, ..he says there is no genetic tendency for homosexuality, it is a chosen lifestyle...questions why they should be a protected class and not others.."why shouldn't homophobes be a protected class as well, then?" Mentions case "Lawrence v Texas", mentions aids was orignally called "grid"(?) (Gay-related disease)..but because of lobbying the name was changed..." END
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”