“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Monday, September 26, 2011


9/25/11 cblog WHAT KEEPS MIRACLES FROM HAPPENING ? U DO ! cc, sheila, penner m:"God is immutable ...amazing miracles..here today..when we need a miracle..its ok to say 'Lord, we need a miracle' ..today excited re message..our ministry is banking on a miracle..we r banking that god will provide $50 mil in next few weeks..world will say 'wow, god is still in the miracle business'..we r compltely covered in prayer 24/7..if u have $500 send it today ..we need it ...lord your word says u r omniscient, omnipotent, all powerful ..all knowing..we praise your holy name ..give back 1/10 ..give in gratitude..take our tithes offerings..give a little more..not for grace & mercy..just in gratitude..[offering] ..[announcement re membership]..2 members kent & christina..longtime member..prays 1 hour for us ..member of band of brothers ...[vid of houses for mexico]. .why did u say yes to this ? [Partially inaudible response...wife saw a glimpse of how happy they were to have a house..s: do this again? A: absolutely ] ... ...the mom found out Friday she was getting a house ..s:thank u 4 saying yes , can we hv a prayer together ?  MESSAGE by PENNER: one word ..[vid of rope swing] ..I kid u not ..that camp, hands of mercy...very quiet,peaceful, milky way..bonfire, campfire, ...harold shaw like a vegas announcer..went around the circle..the message being "u r important"..that message will never change..let's get on w/ the message..."rise! " Jesus is saying rise ..wha hinders us from trusting jesus fully..#1 jesus I trust u no matter what happens..#2 jesus where r u. #3 I'm not sure I like this miracle 3 attitudes..message..mary..same mary that pours fragrant oil ..she believes if jesus comes her brother will be made well ..lord I prayed..where r u..what's taking u so long..didn't I pray right ? My bank acct almost empty..lord when will u show up ? When jesus is told lazarus is sick...jesus loved lazarus so much ...he.stayed 2 more days ..in the midst of all this..sickness us not unto death ...Jesus is saying trust him no matter what ? My will, do u trust me..important ;miracles happen when we have faith to wait on the lord" is 40.28 "hv u not know..heard..his understanding is unsearchble." U shall faint & be weary..but those that wait on the lord ...shall renew their strentgh..run not be weary ..wait on the lord ..a few days later..let's go see lazarus..att#3 ...I'm not sure I like this miracle..disciples..were concerned b/c jews had just tried to kill jesus ..jesus..says trust..walk in day "trust me"..thomas says "let us go, so we may die w/ him" ..exasperation or submission ? What's your attitude.? 2 att's ..even in pain grief she recognizes that jesus is the lord ..what abt martha's sister? Mary stays lost in grief ..lord if only u had been there?  Shrtest verse "jesus wept" ...."lazarus, come forth !" ..one word from jesus & lazarus arose..[penner gives alternative interp of "Jesus wept"] jesus wept b/c he knew the reaction of jews..they felt jealous b/c of  Jesus' miracles ...one of the greatest lines by rhs "u just got fired? Congratulations! ..getting fired was your miracle..hallelujah..! Good news, change is a part of life , say hallelujah ..god will do miracles in the life of this church ? What keeps miracles fr happ? We do . ..guarantee moses didn't want 40 years, daniel didn't want den, but they said "lord not my will, but thy will" ...pray that u b/c a martha..no matter what..its up to u god ..