.ha ha..magic starts spinning a yarn ...during an interview w. bill plaschke @ LMU ..NICE INTERVIEW..BILL FROM THE LA TIMES ..asked q's abt magic's career ..championships, dream team, business, hiv, etc ..magic stood up a few times & started "elaborating" ..they used to practice on this court (gym) back in the day as well ..loyola is a catholic (jesuit) university ...nice people in general ..the guard on his 2 sheelie standiup (forget what its called) ..decent fellow..glad to get in & out w/ an older car..and glad to be heading south out of los angeles county now as well....people always look at me like "hmm is he a somebody?" and then when they realize I'm nobody famous 9just a college grad & masters degree)..they say "he's a wannabee..a poser" no...neither/nor..neither famous, nor a wannabe, nor a poser..a good person w a good education, sincere, honest, that's a big thing