didn't come to church this morn expecting paparazzi...(For closer pic of manny (by me), see http://hwblog.posterous.com/42411-filipino-boxing-champ-manny-pacquaio-ch )..ha ha..so I drop in at Christ the King church, where I periodically attend, in hollywood this morning, Easter Sunday , and I notice a bunch of cameramen in front of the church...I enter in..the church is full ..I go up to the balcony, standing room only ..I look down on the congregation..and I see the cameramen have entered into the church and have their cameras directly aimed at somebody..nobody I immediately recognize as a celebrity,but it must be somebody..I try to identify who the camera is aimed at..I don't see anybody in conspicuous clothing or with bodyguards...but they seem to be aiming at a guy on the aisle with dark hair, looks filipino ...I'm wondering who is a famous filipino ? the only one of that build I can think of right away is Manny Pacquiao, the boxer...I think he was wearing jeans...gal next to him..but wasn't sure until I left and asked one of the cameramen....he confirmed it..I was surprised they allowed the cameramen to camp out in church with their cameras aimed at pacman..altho affter a while they started paying a little attention to the homily..maybe a few paparazzi will benefit from hearing the word...anyways, welcome Manny ! ...funny thing is, I heard a priest mention manny a year or so ago..he was talking about celebrating eucharist with manny (or a private commmunion) prior to a fight. Manny's a believer, praise the Lord !