....pic from OC reg ...lady stefani gaga came to OC (orange county WITH no shortage of fans...apparently..I'm praying for Stafani..I think I understand what she is doing now..Ithink she's under pressure to appease the gay community...as is all of the enteretainment industry, music & film..the gay community has really got a stronghold in entertainment..that's why lady gaga wrote "born this way"...she's tryibng to appease the gay community who could ruin her if she becomes too "straight"....its really a form of extortion by the gay community (I.e. "speak well of us, or else..."..) and its not just the gay community in entertainment, they're slowly but surely gaining a death grip on the entire USA IN VARIOUS "INDUSTRIES" INCLUDING EDUCATION & THE JUSTICE SYSTEM ..THE SLIPPERY SLOPE THEORY is true...u let a little go here & a little go there and suddenly the avalanche begins..they did it to Madonna too ..anybody who wants to make it ireally big n music has to appease the gay community..its vvery sad, and frightening, but we have JESUS CHRIST on our side..and with Jesus there is NO FEAR, even if we lose the world, we have a better place..so I pray for Stefani nd the pressure she must be under....I believe she's a straight, Jesus loving, honest , fun person behind the veil of being a gay lover ..Have no fear, Stafani..u may have to trade success for absolute devotion to God..u don't have to become a nun, but do not fear to speak the truth..we will find a way to keep your legacy alive even if u abandon the gay community..do NOT FEAR the gay community...look what happened to Sodom & Gomorrah..turn from them and never look back..the time is now, Stfani