“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Monday, April 4, 2011


...didn't want to make a public spectacle of. this matter...but I feel obliged to speak up & speak out..to save a school district from the abyss (altho it probably won't matter anyways)...I just filed a 2nd amended complaint with PERB..it will be a few days before I get the warning letter re "prima facie" case...meaning I will have to amend again or it will be dismissed...they need proof that the LAUSD retaliated against me ...I say the proof is in the pudding..they say they fired me because of three ISR's but I showed that NONE of the three ISR'S ARE VALID b/c In ZERO of the three cases did they sit down and talk with me..like a cop thinking he cn write a ticket against somebody just by mailing it to them without ever detaining and getting needed information and telling the person what he or she allegedly did wrong ..speaks for itself..and in one case they ddint even mail it to the correct address..but to a po box I hadn't used in over a year (yet payroll had the correct address at the time, showing either how dysfunctionally disjointed the LAUSD is internally OR that Regina Echols purposely sent the ISR to the wrong address so that I coulldnt contest it in a timely manner) .....anyways, in my lengthy several 100 page 2nd amended complaint I included a list of needed guarantees in order for me to return to the LAUSD as a sub teacher...which I did for 13 years..until Jan 20, 2011 ...awake at 5:30am every school day waiting for a call....but the atmosphere was becoming "poisonous" at the district headquarters ..diane & irma being the two most toxic...everytime I called..it was the most demoralizing conversation...they would speak so impersonally ..in a cold, detached manner...and it ggoes WAY BACK ...to things from years ago..and as best as I can tell these two ladies were privy to my supposed-to-be confidential personnel matters..these r two gals with associate degrees ...at most (I assume) ..yet they are almost calling the shots..and controlling the sub unit as if it was "their" turf..(I assume they are locals who grew up in L.A. ans never left and consider this "their town" ..anyways, they sure let me know they are NOT IMPRESSED with white boy & his college degree..; well, be that as it may, I can't see how the LAUSD can survive as-is if they drive willing able people out (conservatives need not apply)......and recommend parents pull their kids out..anything is better..maybe nothing is better..if everybody pulls their kids out, that's the end of LAUSD..and that may be what the doctor ordered