..what's up with SHEEN ?! he went "on tour" with no material ? He thought he could just show up & the fans would go crazy ? Well, they were. apparently hospitable for the entrance, but sheen didn't deliver the goods after the introduction.... a hollywood entertainer thinking he can go on stage and ad-lib for two hours despite NOT being a comedian, NOT being a singer or musician, NOT HAVING any prior stand-up experience..he didn't even hire somebody to write some decent jokes for him ?..SHAME ON SHEEN..what was he thinking ? and then he apparently argued with the audience, saying to one, "I already got yout money dude". C'mon Sheen, u gotta respect your fans..u need them more than they need u ..YOUR ONLY HOPE, SHEEN is to build up a loyal base of "believers"...these people paying to see u want to believe in u...but what did u prove..all u have to do us show some humility..and get a writer..u think u can do it alone ? u wouldn't be funny on 2 and a half men without writers and supporting cast & crew..they MADE U, charlie..u didn't make them ..your strength was your willingness to be a team player ..key word "was" ..apparently past tense..u disrespected detroit thinking they were a bunch of motown schmucks..u came in with a hollywood attitude of non-gratitude..u thouht "this is midwest..bunch of punks" butu should know better than to stereotype Carols Estevez...isn't that why u changed your name ? to overcome prejudice in hollywood ...if u don't respect others, charlie, what do u expect in return? or is this your farwell tour before u disappear? (photo courtesy of ny times)