“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Sunday, April 24, 2011


its easter, and Manny showed up...I went online & found out he's getting ready for the fight against Mosley in a few weeks...can he be the first to knockout mosley ? well, today's he's temporarily giving up his knockout punch for God...(For closer pic of manny (by me), see http://hwblog.posterous.com/42411-filipino-boxing-champ-manny-pacquaio-ch )..ha ha..so I drop in at Christ the King church, where I periodically attend, in hollywood this morning, Easter Sunday , and I notice a bunch of cameramen in front of the church...I enter in..the church is full ..I go up to the balcony, standing room only ..I look down on the congregation..and I see the cameramen have entered into the church and have their cameras directly aimed at somebody..nobody I immediately recognize as a celebrity,but it must be somebody..I try to identify who the camera is aimed at..I don't see anybody in conspicuous clothing or with bodyguards...but they seem to be aiming at a guy on the aisle with dark hair, looks filipino ...I'm wondering who is a famous filipino ? the only one of that build I can think of right away is Manny Pacquiao, the boxer...I think he was wearing jeans...gal next to him..but wasn't sure until I left and asked one of the cameramen....he confirmed it..I was surprised they allowed the cameramen to camp out in church with their cameras aimed at pacman..altho affter a while they started paying a little attention to the homily..maybe a few paparazzi will benefit from hearing the word...anyways, welcome Manny ! ...funny thing is, I heard a priest mention manny a year or so ago..he was talking about celebrating eucharist with manny (or a private commmunion) prior to a fight. Manny's a believer, praise the Lord (maybe we should call him MANNY"THE BELIEVER" PACQUAIO ! By the way, Manny's a poltician now as well...representing the province of Sarangani (also btw, I've done mission work in the Philippines...lots of people of faith, mostly Catholic, in the Philippines..and they like Americans, in general ..in fact they have a huge statue of MacArthur coming out of the water to save the Philippines on one of the islands...I remember seeing it. & also remember them calling me & other Americans with me "Joe" (they call Americans on the street "joe" apparently after "GI JOE" )..