4/20/11 Pulled in for A gallon of gas...just to get me to a cheaper gas station (this one is @$4.23, higher than most)...their outside machines don't take debit, or don't take mine..so I went inside..foreign lady gave me a controlling "hello, how r u" ..the kind of greeting that u know is NOT truly friendly nor caring..so I responded, flatly, "great" as if it would have mattered to her if imy grandma had just died, or even if the world was coming to an end. Anyways, I could tell she thought I was "dissing" her, but what could she do about it ? People like her "diss" us all the time . Well, I found out what she can do about it. I ran my debit card and a few seconds later she responded, flatly, "Declined." Declined?! Impossible. Account is good, card is good. Use it daily. She had FALSELY DECLINED it to "diss me". I KNOW b/c less than 10 minutes later I successfuly purchased coffee w/ the card at 7-11. This is the agenda we are up against in America. The takeover has already happened. P.S.so I went back to the gas station and simply asked the lady if she knew why it was declined despite it not showing up on the transaction history as declined" (yes , I called my bank) and despite being able to use it at 7-11 and she wasn't convincing to me that it was just "one of those things". Its all part of the foreign agenda to do "social engineering" once they enter into our society. It could be something u say, something based on your looks, gender, skin color, nationality, etc, ..they base how they will treat on teir instant perception or misperception of u..usually an ignorant assumption..and we bear the BRUNT of their decision to punish us (such as fake a denial of my credit card to try to show who's boss...its always small, subtle things...that won't get them in big trouble or any real trouble..it's usually how they greet u ...I.e. "dude, man, buddy,...hon, sweetie, sir..." ALL different connotations, alll with an attempt to socially engineer...and its VERY TIRING..please just do your job with a simple "thanks" at the end of the transaction. If I enter the store like a "brash American", please don't punish me. I'm just being who I am based on my culture ....I'm a Christian..but also male, Anglo..and a MAN..don't make me be a "good little boy" to u in order to gain your acceptance...c'mon you immigrant clerks, stop playing games. If you want to change things go to college first so u get a clear picture of the big picture, not a self-serving agenda. Your ignorance hurts me. (gas station in burbank, ca)