...this guy served the city for fifteen years..until december of '09, then the city council asked him to resign. He agreed, without argument, as an at-will employee, & not much more was heard or said about it. Now an "anonymous letter" is revvealed saying Dolan allegedly got a little wild & crazy on a night out with other city employees, & allegedly little frisky with one woman...yet it was all accusations from one anonymous letter..how can he defend himself ? anybody can write an anonymous letter,,,& it could be completely untrue,,or only partially true...but even if it was true..so u have adults on a "night out"...a few drinks...dolan allegedly may have had a few too many..maybe made advances towards an adult woman...who may have welcomed or rebuffed him..he didn't rape her..if this person was seriously offended or felt violated she didn't report it or complain..(at least not using her name)...this seems a little unfair ..