...so I go in to the library...haven't been here in a while..try to log on to the computer...doesn't accept my info,,,so I go up to the desk..ask why in info isn't being accepted..she tells me my library card has expired...she needs my physical card to renew ..problem is ..I don't carry all my library cards with me...I just have the numbers & my pw (password) ..my other option is to pay $5 for a new card ..but I think I can find my card..later..save $5 ..so I ask if she can give me a guest pass just for the day...& she looks upset by the question..& turns to her co-worker & asks what she thinks..& I already knew the answer..these are county employees...a rule is a rule..the guest passed are only for people from out-of-state...NO MATTER WHAT..! A RULE IS A RULE u stupid idiot !..we do NOT bend rules for special situations..if we do..its the beginning of the slippery slope to nowhere ! then the next person will say, "You let him, why not me?" ...but NOBODY WILL KNOW ! ..nobody is watching or listening..this isn't a classroom of kids.. I just want to browse for a moment..NoNo NOOOOO ! It was TOO MUCH to ask..I hope she doesn't lose any sleep over my outlandish request..who do I think I am? somebody special ? rules r rules buddy..now get lost !