“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


its me again, man Vander, aka stan power, aka Van The Man !...to the PRODUCERS of MAJOR LEAGUE 2, CONSIDER ME for the MAIN CHARACTER .....I'm not a known name in hollywood, but I've been round town for a while...& am listed at Central Casting (last name Kok)...I think I would be a good candidate for the main character in Major League..I got the great looks , good athletic build (baseball style), & have that baseball "look' when I have my cap on..I wear glasses but can also switch to contact lenses..best of all, I'm a baseball fan..love the Angels & went to almost every home game last season..& with a little less love, also attend a lot of dodgers game (for the love of baseball more than the love of dodgers, or some dodger fans to be more precise...some of the gangsters in the stands are not my styke)...also was at game 1 & 2 of the world series 2010 & gained some love (or like) & respect for the sf giants...also went to the parade..originally I'm a detroit tiger fan..was in michigan when tigers won world series w/ Kirk Gibson, & of course when Gibby came to L.A. (as did my family) I kept roooting for Gibby & therefore also the Dodgers..& he did it again. (God bless the Gibber !) ....also, I don't have a drug problem...have found a spiritual way to handle pressure & living in los angeles ..I would be a NEW FACE for hollywood, maybe a new star ! oh, by the way, I was in the Brad Pitt film, "Moneyball" (or will be hopefully when it comes out in sept of this year, if all goes well.., simply an extra in the background)...Can I make the big LEAP from extra to main character ? let's find out..maybe the next "Best Actor" ! (was by the academy awards last night, still hyped...)...also unlike Howard Cosell who "Never Played the Game", I DID play the game..several years of Little League (Trane) & a bit of senior league (Am. Legion) as well as "sandlot" ball with kids in the neighborhood (dave engelhard, steve griffeon, dave dejong, rick otte, greg bouwer, keith steensma, to name a few)...well I wasn't an all-star..mainly b.c I tried to play without corrected vision..always wondered how I would have done if I had worn glasses (this was before contact lenses)...I know the game nonetheless..know the jargon..know the look..I'm the NEXT STAR WAITING TO BE BORN ! let's do it ! anybody who sees this who has connections, please forward to the right hollywood people ..