“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Friday, February 25, 2011


whom I originally chose to do my taxes thinking she was a Christian, but it turns out she's buddhist (from Taiwan) ..when she told me that it was a few years after I had begun going to her for my tax returns..she's not the cheapest ($45 per return) ...but she seems to get a good refund amount every year for me..she's sharp, intellectually, ..provides a nice paper copy & folder (altho it would be even nice if she could scan everything & put it in an email attachment as well) ..anyways, since I was with her ..I stuck with her despite being buddhist ..& told her about my Audio Bible project .she seemed interested, briefly ..& I pray for her now..may she come to know U JESUS CHRIST ..as Savior..non-Christian asians often put so much emphasis on the intellect & are often very mentally sharp, but what about soul ? what about the end of life ? this is something to think about. Being a good accountant is a good thing, but what about God ? what pleases our God the most ? What do buddhists worship? there is ONLY ONE GOD ! (FATHER-SON-SPIRIT) . come to Jesus, my buddhist friends...the PEACE OF CHRIST will surpass the most peaceful meditation...& the living Lord will hear u ...if u knock !