1/23/11 cblog WE ARE ROYALTY; CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL: JIM PENNNER, SHEILA SCHULLER (R.H.SCHULLER NOT FEELING WELL) [if this message is cut off, go to http://cblogs.posterous.com/12311-cblog-we-are-royalty-crystal-cathedral ]
"O how he loves us" debbie tebay, mark sanchez, john is back..debbie is his wife ..
[Sheila Schuller does the intro & interview] M: "I believe as we r rebuilding the crystal cathedral..divine mandate..shake up the world..be salt shakers ..esp right around us..let them know God loves us..we believe it..when said "u r salt of earth.." we don't want to lose our flavor..stay salty..daily devotions..positive minute..all have one minute. Can read..sign upm,,free..daily have god's word in heart...positive devotion...weekly corp worship, ..worship creator, not created ..once monthly..being on a mission..we r building 3 homes for families in ensenada ..pray for them, care packages..april 8,9,10 delivery date..$25 per sq foot ...encourage ...if ur watching on tv ..local churches..need help we can get..find a church home...jim coleman..interrupts...lord told me..somebody out there wants to give a major gift...if God is talking listen..thank u Jim for being obedient..prayer..we cannot begin to count all our blessings..we get all our blessings from u..& so we give back 1/10 ..god give us the courage to trust u w/ our pocketbooks, tithes, offerings..Lord use them for kingdom glory ..as ushers come forward..[intro to the guests to be interviewed] .Denbestens...christmas eve..supposed to sing at church but became suddenly ill, fighting 4 her life,...took her to pediatrician..she's very ill..its her heart they said..viral myocarditis..random virus..anybody could get..had settled in her heart..weakening her..very ill 1/3 live w/ complic, 1/3 need heart transp, 1/3 die ..she was in a coma ..heart/lung machine..world flipped upside down that night..christmas day..best gift ever..gift of peace ..god gave us ab peace..told us gracieann is in the palm of hand..peace sustained us ...sheila : talk abt what its life..to surrender life of child to god..I had to do w/.. my child meningitis, ..husband: my child fighting for life...psalm 46 "be still & know I am god.." we were placing daughter in creator's hand ...sheila: hard lesson to learn..tell abt the berlin heart..excruciating to read abt..[mother]: they sent her to florida..b/c of the berlin heart..allows child to wait for transplant..does all the work of the heart while they wait for a perfect heart.., how long? ..5 long months,...walk of faith..experienced miracle every day.her body begam to heal..kidney spec. Couldn't understand how her kidneys healed..[sheila] here she is ..gracyn ...I asked him if my new heart love god as much as my old one ..for the whole journey..hard..always wanting to go home..tough..when over..I see why he led me thru ...to give testimony..I used to love to sing ..just to sing..now I know I sing as a testimony ..repeat.what..god is healer..every step of way ..
[Jim Penner gives the message: [begins with joke] : "...police car ...waiting for speeders..car going 22 mph on 60 mph ...ladies in car..she insisted she was doing the speed limit ..no, that's the highway # ...cop asked why the ladies in back seemed so nervous..oh they'l be ok..we just got off hwy 119 ..God says "call on me.." God will reveal things to u thru prayer & scripture..I will not stand on the pulpit without asking god..this week lord revealed to me,,reminded me..to share..this will change your life...profound..once I tell u can't go back..."you are god's chosen people..u r royalty.." celebrate that ? First cousin of royalt..u r royalty..that's powerful..some of u saying "that feels good'..like warm honey on warm bread ..others say,'if I'm royalty...I must be prince w/o kingdom.." ..I don't feel very royal.." some of u r being honest ..but doesn't change the fact that you become royalty when u accept Jesus ..its about god, not abt u ..ex. wife & I went to sta barbara ..took 101 back..as freeway turns inland, I didn't want to lose the ocean view ..decided to take pch back route ..went up windy rough road..at one point behind dump truck ..suddenly his backup lights come on ..I'm flustered..can't get reverse ..suddenly I hear crunch..I say "bail out" ..he pulled away..didn't even see us...forgot abt ocean view..had to call insurance.... this is a lot like life..we have a dream..ask god to bless this dream..but we don't ask god if this is his dream for us...we follow our dream & then suddenly we say "god bail us out"..start. there...suddenly life transforms
John 1 "in beginning word ..all things thru Him..in Him was life..light of men.." its all about god..blessing from him..change your paradigm ...& amazing things will happen ..u think u need new car? Does god think u need a new car? Start w/ god ..don't end w/ him..what happens when god's plan does not look like your dream for yourself..that's when u need to build faith ..things going haywire..is god punishing me ? ...this is resonating..we ask why god? Trust god who gave u the dream.. god's journy might not look like your journey but u will end up in the same place anyways.. look at joseph...sold to slavery..found by pharaoh...accused by pharaoh's wife..sent to jail..interpret dreams..forgotten..later interprted dream raised up..eventually his own bros bowed down to joseph..look at the denbesten family...surely they didn't think this was not what they thoiught was god's plan..[but eventually it turned out good ..] ..waiting patiently..eagles scripture..wait on lord shall renew strength ..what happens when waiting...some of u..looking 4 job, trouble w/ rships..ur in waiting mode..what do ? Pray..psalm 40 ="put a new song in my mouth.." .also praise god..past week ..I was having a rough day..turned off radio..started praying..didn't know what to pray..just started singing..Jesus..something abt that name..when sang ..I felt like Jesus was giving me a hug..said earlier..u r royalty ..sit up a little straighter..but even price princess ..."
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us…”